Gentle refining of omega-3 oils
We assist manufacturers in delivering high-quality omega-3 products.
Omega-3 oils are nutritionally very important and are found in rapeseed, linseed, fish and especially in microalgae oils. We have developed processes to gently refine highly unsaturated, sensitive omega-3 oils to produce a flavor-neutral product.

Rapeseed and flaxseed oils, as well as fish oils, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oils derive their higher omega-3 content from their diet of algae, which can lead to the characteristic fishy taste as oxidation begins. Today, microalgae oil is fermented in modern reactors and gently refined in our facility into flavor-neutral Omega-3 oils. This allows us to meet the growing demand and high standards for omega-3 products, particularly in the children's food sector.
To meet the growing demand for high-quality omega-3 products, especially in children's foods, we enable the production of flavor-neutral Omega-3 oils of the highest quality.